
My name is Nathan Ord and I am a M.S. Cyber Defense graduate from Dakota State University. If you’ve found this site, that means you are either looking into me for some reason, or were looking for another Nathan Ord of which there are several.

In any event, I am a tech nerd following just about anything from cybersecurity to virtual reality, and everything in between. I got my start as the family repair guy and local “tech expert” helping out wherever possible. This passion for tech eventually led to a job in educational IT before going to college to study Cyber Operations and Cyber Defense which yielded other job opportunities. 

In my free time, I enjoy volunteering, playing video games, reading, and just relaxing with friends. Perhaps you might also find me on Twitch in my free time as well, which can be viewed by clicking on the social link above.


This is where I would put my competitions, CTFs, and some other basic info that might not be listed elsewhere. For now, most things are listed on my resume which you can see here.

I suppose I should also link out to the US Cyber Games which I am heavily involved in varying capacities.


I am currently working on my homelab setup which hosts this site. It includes an EXSi box, which will soon be migrated to ProxMox once I have the cluster online.


This is what is keeping me entertained right now (some might consider these hyperfixations, but who am I to judge…)